
Auto Incorrect

Know how when you are typing in Microsoft Word and you misspell a commonly misspelled word and it corrects it for you automatically? Like if you type in "helpfull" it will automatically change it to "helpful." It does. And it is a pretty cool tool, and a perfect thing to know if you want to prank someone.

In Word, go to "Tools" and then "Auto Correct." There you will see the whole list of commonly mis-typed words and their correct spelling. You can edit these! When I pulled this on one of my co-workers, I changed the spelling of their name from "Robert" to "Robber" and I changed the company name to something funny, too! I had the computer add an extra "s" to the end of "as" and a whole bunch of other stuff. Let your imagination run wild.

But be SURE to note all of the ones that you changed so you can change it back later after they know they've been had. In the meantime it is hilarious if you can watch them at their computer. They'll swear that some demon has invaded their computer.

- Terri W.

I'm laughing too hard to comment! I just tried it out on my computer and this really does work!

- QualityBargainz

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