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Stealing from the Mob

There was this man that was an accountant for the mob. He happened to be deaf and mute. While working for the mob he collected over $500,000 dollars by stealing from the books.

The mob boss finds out about this and sends two hitmen to his house. Since the accountant was deaf and mute his brother translated what his brother said.

Hitman: "Where is the money?"

Accountant signs he does not know

Brother: "He said he does not know."

Hitman: "Tell us where the money is or we will kill your wife and kids, burn down your house, and castrate you!"

Accountant signs fast and furiously that the money is in a safe that is hidden in the floorboard of his closet and gives the combination.

Hitman: "What did he say?"

Brother: "He says you don't have the balls!


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